Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Marketing Segmentation & Consumer Behaviour

Product Segmentation

PT. Sosro Sinar is one of the companies engaged in agro-industry, producing various kinds of products by using the leaf tea as one of its main raw material, where one product is Botol Sosro. Botol Sosro is ready to drink tea products first in Indonesia in the pack in a bottle and have been known by the public.
Competition is so tight from the many bottled teas on the market. Based on data from the PT. Sosro Rays are seven brands of tea in bottles that circulated in Indonesia, namely Botol Sosro, Fruit Tea, Tebs, S-tee, Frestea, Tekita.

PT. Sosro currently faces a number of rival soft drink products that are not only from local competitors, but also foreign competitors. Competition of various brands of tea in bottle making companies more careful in designing its marketing strategies. The Company will successfully get customers in large numbers if judged to have a good image in consumers' minds. The creation of a good image in consumers' minds will grow the customer satisfaction that can provide several benefits. Sosro success can not be separated from the brand "bottled tea" which gained a brand just like aqua on white water. Next Sosro stronger because Bottle distribution network is very strong even at remote endpoint. Just like Aqua with white water, another player late entry in the segment of the tea in a bottle, because it considers the idea of water and tea into the bottle.

Consumer Characteristics
  • Age:

    • Children (ages 9 to 12 years)
    • Youth (ages 13 to 18 years)
    • Adult
  • Gender: Male and Female
  • Religion: All religions
  • Occupation: All persons having a job
  • Life Cycle: Single, Married, With Children
  • Education: All classes of society
  • Attitudes: People who like drink tea that has a natural taste and quality.
  • Lifestyle: Modern style
Tea for everyone
Sosro perform positioning by educating people to not feel weird to drink tea in bottles and with display cold. Since the first launching of product, the Indonesian people are still accustomed to drinking tea is served hot. Apparently the process of differentiation that made Sosro good fruit, so Sosro known as tea drinks in bottles that can provide freshness. In its development, to compete with competitors Sosro already campaigning that the consumption of tea will make the body become healthy, because tea contains anti-oxidants. This increases the competitive advantage of Sosro.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

“ Physiological Needs “
Physiological Needs is a basic need of consumer life like eating, drinking, wearing clothes etc. Consumers buy Teh Botol Sosro because they are thirsty. So this products can fulfill The Physiological Needs.

Purchasing Behaviour
Botol Sosro distributed to remote endpoint areas. Consumers are not difficult to buy the bottle because Sosro is easy in looking for and the price is affordable. Consumers can buy it on Supermarkets, small shops, vending machine and even a mini cart. When the costumer thirsty, they can but it by cash easily.

Loyalty Programmes
There is no Loyalty Programmes which is build by SOSRO, they focus on promotion of their product because consumers can be loyal to SOSRO, it’s about quality product, affordable price and good promotion.

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